Great Christian Websites |
"And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." - Revelation 12:17 (KJV)
Pasedena Seventh-day Adventist Church
- My home church in southern Califoina, USA.
"Church YouTube Channel
"Can U Hear Me Now?" Youth Conference
Ellen G. White
- A prophet of God and one of the founders of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
Download the "EGW Writings 2" app with most of her writings and audiobooks from the "App Store" or "Google Play."
Listen to the Holy Bible and or her books online.
Read and Search her writtings online.
...for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. - Revelation 19:10 (KJV)
Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy. - 1 Corinthians 14:1 (KJV)
Glimpses into the Life of Ellen White
Choose two of her books to be mailed to you for free.
Hope Through Prophesy -
A great source of videos about prophecy and doctrine.
LOVE'S LAST CALL - A great website with a moble app, with Bible studies and the audio books: Love's Last Call(about the three angel's messages from Revelation 14), On The Edge of Time and The Great Contoversy. The Desire of Ages audio book is also on the website.
Advent Messenger -
News and Commentary on Current Events from a Biblical Perspectiveand.
Adventist Books Online - A great selection of books by some of the best Seventh-day Adventist authors.
Amazing Discoveries - Exposing Deceptions Affirming the Truth.
Amazing Facts - The evangelistic ministry lead by Pastor Doug Batchelor.
Amazing Facts Television
- Terrific Christian programming.
Apocalyse Ministries -
Preparing a People to stand true to God during investigative judgment.
Belt of Truth Ministries - A fundamental Bible-believing faith-based community.
The Bridegroom Cometh - A faith-based ministry committed to sharing Biblical truth with the world.
Clash of Minds - An amazing evangelistic
ministry with Walter Veith.
EndrTimes - A daily blog of end time news.
Endtimes Like These Ministries -
Equiping God's people for a finished work! YouTube Channel
Gospel Ministries International - An end time ministry with David Gates.
Keep the Faith - A great ministry dedicated to proclaiming the three angels messages.
Maranatha - A fantastic construction and gospel ministry.
Meet Ministry - Missionary Education and Evangelistic Training (M.E.E.T.) Ministry.
Noah's Ark Discovered - Where archaeology illuminates the Word.
The Pathfinder Web Site - A Seventh-day Adventist boys and girls organization.
Project Restore -
A fantastic evangelistic ministry with Ron Goss. Please check out their magazines.
Secrets Unsealed - The
evangelistic ministry lead by Pastor Stephen Bohr.
SunFlores Farm - Our family goal is to become self-sustaining by growing our own food and making our own
goods and would like to help others do the same..
Truth Triumphant - Spreading the gospel message, particularly the 3 angels messages and soon return of Jesus Christ to the world.
The Trumpet - Church of God with good news information.
WYATT ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH - Founded by Ron Wyatt, and the research
and efforts are carried on by the board of directors of Wyatt Archaeological Research.
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