Hear and See |
"And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever
receiveth the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus."
Revelation 14:9-12 - 3rd Angel's Message (see video)
Audio and Video
"The Mark of the Beast"
- The best 5 minute video about the mark of the beast I have ever seen. Please forgive me that it
is sideways. Watch it correctly on Facebook.
ANGEL'S MESSAGE: The Mark of the Beast (HD) - Do you know what the mark of the beast is?
The Mark of the Beast[Bible Prophecy Movie] - Better
understand what the mark of the beast is.
FINAL DAYS: The Antichrist, Mark of the Beast,
and the USA in Prophecy
What you need to know about Project 2025 "Sunday law!"
The Church
May Appear About to Fall... Pastor Bill Hughes"
This Movement in Adventism."
Jesus for Asia Presents David Ng "Spiritual Warfare"
7 Last
I Know Something They're NOT Telling You...
- This video reveals who the AntiChrist is.
This INCREDIBLE Time Prophecy CONFIRMS Jesus and the Bible
- The seventy-weeks prophecy in Daniel 9:24-27 is one of the most incredible prophecies in the Bible.
The Israel Prophecy [MOST CHRISTIANS DECEIVED!] - Understand
why probation has closed for the nation of Israel.
War in Israel - Understand
how and and why the Catholic church is behind the war in Isreal - Pastor Bill Hughes.
Final Events of Bible Prophecy -
A great video sharing an overview of this earth's end time events - Pastor Doug Batchelor.
Cosmic Conflict - A great video on the origin of evil - Pastor Doug Batchelor.
Kingdoms in Time - Bible Prophecy-Mini Movie-Documentary - Pastor Doug Batchelor.
The Chosen: Shocking Confessions -
Understand how the the Jesus in "The Chosen" is differnt than the Jesus in the Holy Bible.
The Great
Judgment Day -The Least of These My Brethren
"Who is God?" -
A great message about space and how awesome God is. - Pastor Marcus Mason.
in the Shadows" - This is a very important
message from Pastor
Randy Skeete about Satan and obedience.
"How To
Please God" - Pastor Randy Skeete.
"Faithful Unto Death" - Pastor Randy Skeete.
"A Little Orthodoxy Please" - Pastor C.D. Brooks.
The Second Coming of Christ: Separating FACT from FICTION |
History's Coming Climax
The Second Cominig of Christ -
Understand that there is no secret raputure.
SECRET RAPTURE: History and Biblical Response
"The Real Truth about the Coming Tribulation" - Pastor Mark Finley
Blessed are the Dead - Pastor Doug
Batchelor - Understand what happpens when you die.
What is Hell? - Understand from the Holy Bible that God doesn't burn people in hell forever.
"Roger Morneau- |The Coming Aliens and Sunday Worship|"
Why Do Beavers Rest EVERY Sabbath?
Shocking Discovery! Bible Study - This amazing video shares about how beavers and bees keep the Sabbath and how even we as
humans release more melatonin on the Sabbath.
Who Thought to Change SABBATH to SUNDAY?!
Who Changed the Sabbath, and WHY? (The REAL Story)
- Why do so many Christians attend church on Sunday?
Paul kept the Sabbath 85 times in the book of Acts
The New Covenant
and why Sunday can't be the Bible Sabbath - Pastor Joe Crews
Is Keeping The Sabbath A
"Demonic Doctrine"? - Pastor Doug Batchelor
How Christianity went from Sabbath
to Sunday
"Catholic Bishop" confessed that they change the Sabbath from
Saturday to Sunday? - Warning! this is just an act...the message is true but the bishop is an actor from "Carter's report on 3ABN."
tHE sABBATH AND THE eARLY cHURCHES.wmv - This video documents
that the early Christian church kept the 7th-day Sabbath instead of Sunday.
"The Seventh Day" Documentary - A great 11 part series about the Sabbath the hosted actor Hal Holbrook.
Sabbath Truth - If you still think Sunday
is God's Sabbath please visit this website and learn about people like Saint Patrick
who taught people to keep all God's commandments including the 7th day Sabbath.
The Two Babylons - Part 1
- Better understand how paganism has corrupted the Christian church.
- Better understand where paganism came from.
The Roman Catholic and Islamic Connection - Understand
how and why the Catholic church created Islam.
Truth about Zionism VaticanJesuit Connections
Desmond Doss: Incredible Faith And Heroism At 'Hacksaw Ridge'
- A great documentry about an army medic hero who would not carry a gun and
who the Mel Gibson movie "Hacksaw Ridge" was made about.
The Richest Caveman - The Doug Batchelor Story - One of the best testimonials ever.
Walter J. Veith - From Evolutionist to Creationist Testimony
- Another great testimony.
from the Grave: Testimony from Rwanda by Dr
Phodidas Ndamyumugabe.
- A great testimony about how God rescued this man from the Rwandan genocide.
Greg Cox - "A Transformed Life" CYC2024 - A great
testimony from a man saved from a gay lifestyle.
How God Cured My Depression By: Enoch Leffingwell
NWO: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy Vol. 1 - If you are still not convinced Satan wants to estabish a New World Order and
that 911 was an inside job, watch this.
Preparing for Persecution - "It's Comming!"
For Children
Your Story Hour
- Wonderful stories for Children.
Primary Treasure
- Stories, Games, Activities, Advice, Prayer Requests and Bible Studies for Children.
- Good Christian videos for children.
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