Christian Music

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. " - Colossians 3:16 KJV

"Trust and Obey"
- Music with Lyrics

"I Have Decided To Follow Jesus - The Story & The Song"

"Sabbath Singalong" - Great Christian music videos released everyweek. "Are you Ready for Jesus to Come by Sandra Entermann" - Music Video. "Happiness is the Lord" - Music Video. "My Jesus I Love Thee (with lyrics)" - Music Video. "I Will Follow Thee" - Music Video. "Living for Jesus" - Music Video. "Behold What Manner of Love" - Music Video. "Thy way, O God, is in the Sanctuary" - Music Video. "Remember the Sabbath Day" - Music Video. "Remember" - Music Video. "Sabbath Rest" - Music Video. "His Sunshine of Love" - Music Video. "The Holy City (Jerusalem)" - Music Video. "Take the World, But Give Me Jesus - Music Video. "Solo El Amor" - Music Video. "More Precious Than Silver" - Music Video. "JESUS HOLD MY HAND " - Music Video. "I Want to Be Ready" - Music Video. "Anywhere with Jesus" - Music Video. "Dare to be a Daniel" - Music Video. "There Is Sunshine in My Soul Today" - Music Video. "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" - Music Video. "I Saw One Weary" - Music Video. "Self or Still Small Voice" - Music Video. "Do All to the Glory of God" - Music Video. "Narrow Way" - Music Video. "A Battle and a March" - Music Video. "Father of the Family" - Music Video. "'Tis Love That Makes Us Happy | Hymn #579 " - Music Video. "We Have This Hope" - Music Video. "Christ Returneth - Hymn with Lyrics" - Music Video. "Jesus is Coming Again (Marvelous Message We Bring)" - Music Video. "Trust and Obey" - Music Video.

Christian Rock: Blessing or Blasphemy

Music and Lyrics for Great Christian Hymns
"Anywhere With Jesus SDAH#508" - Music Video.
"Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah SDAH#538 " - Music Video.
"I will sing of Jesus Love SDAH#183" - Music Video.
"Standing on the Promises of God SDAH#518" - Music Video.

Christian Recording Artists

"How Beautiful Heaven Must Be" - Music Video.
"How Great Thou Art" - Music Video.
"It Is Well with My Soul" - Music Video.
"Leaning on the Everlasting Arms" - Music Video.
"The Lily of the Valley" - Music Video.
"The Old Rugged Cross" - Music Video.
"Rock of Ages" - Music Video.
"Send the Light" - Music Video.
"'Til the Storm Passes By" - Music Video.
"'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus" - Music Video.
"There is Power in the Blood" - Music Video.
Christian Edition - A Men's Chorus.
"Bow the Knee" - Music Video.
"I Will Follow Thee" - Music Video.
"Midnight Cry" - Music Video.
"No More Night" - Music Video.
"Soon and Very Soon" - Music Video.
Fountainview Academy
"A Mighty Fortress" - Music Video.
"A Father's Love | The Love Of God" - Music Video.
"Blessed Assurance" - Music Video.
"Crown Him With Many Crowns" - Music Video.
"Don't Forget the Sabbath" - Music Video.
"Go Light Your World" - Music Video.
"Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah" - Music Video.
"Hold Fast Till I Come" - Music Video.
"Holy, Holy, Holy, Is What the Angels Sing" - Music Video.
"I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb" - Music Video.
"I Surrender All" - Music Video.
"I Wanna Go to Heaven (Sabbath Song)" - Music Video.
"Leaning On the Everlasting Arms" - Music Video.
"Lift Up the Trumpet" - Music Video.
"Nearer Still Nearer" - Music Video.
"My Redeemer Is Faithful and True" - Music Video.
"Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus - The Great Contorversy Album" - Music Video.
"Standing on the Promises" - Music Video.
"Softly and Tenderly" - Music Video.
"Sweet By and By" - Music Video.
"To God Be The Glory" - Music Video.
"Watch Ye Saints" - Music Video.
"What a Friend We Have in Jesus" - Music Video.
"Your Grace Still Amazes Me" - Music Video.
Marty Goetz
"Breathe On Me" - Music Video.
"He is My Defense" - Music Video.
"Hineni" - Music Video.
"Hope of Glory" - Music Video.
"Oh Lord, Our Lord(Psalm 8)" - Music Video.
"The Lord Is My Shepherd" - Music Video.
"The Love of God" - Music Video.
"The Plans I Have For You (Jeremiah 29:11)" - Music Video.
"Prince of Peace" - Music Video.
"Psalm 1" - Music Video.
"Psalm 131" - Music Video.
"PSALM ENCHANTED EVENING with Marty Goetz" - Music Video.
"Sabbath Prayer" - Music Video.
"The Spirit Of The Lord" - Music Video.
"V'Ahavata" - Music Video.
"Yeshua" - Music Video.
"Marty Goetz: Testimony"
Keith Green
"Altar Call" - Music Video.
"Create In Me A Clean Heart" - Music Video.
"I Can't Wait To Get To Heaven" - Music Video.
"The Lord is My Shepherd" - Music Video.
"No Compromise" - Music Video.
"Oh Lord, You're Beautiful" - Music Video.
"The Prodigal Son" - Music Video.
"The Sheep And The Goats (live) - Part 1" - Music Video.
"The Sheep And The Goats (live) - Part 2" - Music Video.
"Run To The End of the Highway" - Music Video.
"So You Wanna Go Back To Egypt" - Music Video.
Steve Green
"Be at Rest" - Music Video.
"Fairest Lord Jesus" - Music Video.
"Find Us Faithful" - Music Video.
"People Need the Lord" - Music Video.
"This Is My Father's World" - Music Video.
"Touch Your People Once Again" - Music Video.
The King's Heralds
"Goodnews" - Music Video.
"Side by Side" - Music Video.
"Walk in Jerusalem" - Music Video.
"32 Favorites" - Music Video.
The Kry
"He Won't Let You Go" - Music Video.
"Take My Hand" - Music Video.
Jennifer LaMountain
"I Am Determined" - Music Video.
"No More Night" - Music Video.
"No More Night" Top songs Mix - Music Video.
"We shall behold Him" - Music Video.
Mercy Me
"I Can Only Imagine" - Music Video.
"Word of God Speak" - Music Video.
Fernando Ortega
"There is Power In the Blood" - Music Video.
"Give Me Jesus" - Music Video.
"Sing to Jesus" - Music Video.
"This Is My Father's World" - Music Video.
Wintley Phipps
"All The Way My Savior Leads Me" - Music Video.
"Amazing Grace" - Music Video.
"Amazing Grace"(President Obama) - Music Video.
"Amazing Love" - Music Video.
"Climbing up to Zion" - Music Video.
"Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing" - Music Video.
"Coming Again" - Music Video.
"GLORIOUS CHURCH" - Music Video.
"God Bless America" - Music Video.
"Great is Thy Faithfulness" - Music Video.
"His Eye is on the Sparrow"- Campus Hill Church - Live 2-13-20 - Loma Linda, CA" - Music Video.
"How Great thou Art" - Colin Powell's funeral. - Music Video.
"I'd Rather Have Jesus" - Music Video.
"I Believe" - Music Video.
"I Give You My Life" - Music Video.
"It Is Well With My Soul" - Just As I Am and other Faviote Hymns of Billy Graham - Album. - Music Video.
"Let There Be Peace on Earth" - Music Video.
"The Love of God" - Music Video.
"Loving God My Greatest Romance" - Album - Music Videos.
"My Tribute [Live]" - Music Video.
"Pandemic Prayers - Wintley Phipps | "When All That Is Left To Do Is to Trust God""
"Praise Him! Praise Him!" Beloved Hyms of Fanny Crosby - Album - Music Video.
"Walk about Zion" - Music Video.
"You'll Never Walk Alone" - Music Video.
Samoan Gospel Heralds
"If We Ever" - Music Video.
"Jesus is all the World to me" - Music Video.
"Lift up the Trumpet" - Music Video.
"Midnight Cry" - Music Video.
"Redemption Draweth Nigh" - Music Video.
"Soonah be done" - Music Video.
SDA Media Music - A Men's Chorus.
"Brighten the Corner Where You Are" - Music Video.
"In a Little While We're Going Home" - Music Video.
"In My Heart There Rings a Melody" - Music Video.
"Let Every Lamp Be Burning" - Music Video.
"Leaning On The Everlasting Arms" - Music Video.
"Wonderful Merciful Savior" - Music Video.
Sounds Like Reign
"Because He Lives" - Music Video.
"Behold Our God" - Music Video.
"Blessed Assurance" - Music Video.
"Build My Life" - Music Video.
"Humble King" - Music Video.
"I Need Thee Every Hour" - Music Video.
"In Christ Alone" - Music Video.
"Is He Worthy?" - Music Video.
"Jesus, Only Jesus" - Music Video.
"Just a Closer Walk With Thee" - Music Video.
"O How He Loves You and Me" - Music Video.
"Psalm 19" - Music Video.
"Psalm 23: The Lord's My Shepherd" - Music Video.
"Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior" - Music Video.
"Sweet Hour of Prayer" - Music Video.
Tallis' Canon (Ancient Lullaby Hymn) - Music Video.
"Tis So Sweet" - Music Video.
"Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" - Music Video.
"When He Cometh" - Music Video.
"Worthy Is The Lamb // Agnus Dei (Medley)" - Music Video.
Marjolein van Hoef
"Abide With Me" - Music Video.
"Holy, Holy, Holy" - Music Video.
"How Great Thou Art" - Music Video.
"Living for Jesus" - Music Video.
"Nearer, Still Nearer" - Music Video.
"Search Me, O God" - Music Video.
"Take the World, But Give Me Jesus" - Music Video.

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